
WFP suspends food aid to Ethiopia’s Tigray

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By Murimi Gitari, May 4, 2023, The World Food Programme (WFP) has suspended food assistance in Ethiopia’s Tigray Region after recent reports of significant diversion of humanitarian food.


In a statement to the press, WFP noted it will not tolerate any interference in its distribution of critical food aid to the most vulnerable women, men and children.


The UN agency has immediately launched a comprehensive investigation upon learning of the food diversion reports and has taken swift action to establish all the facts and further strengthen its controls.


The food distributions in Tigray, will remain suspended until WFP ensures that vital aid will reach its intended recipients.


WFP is working closely with the regional authorities to identify any individuals involved in these activities, and to close any loopholes in the process of identifying and registering beneficiaries.


The organization has also strongly reiterated to its cooperating partners that they monitor and report any illicit activities and that they are enforcing the agreed controls.


WFP prides itself on ensuring the proper use of donor contributions – with the most stringent controls and processes in order to best serve the millions of the hungry who depend on WFP’s lifesaving and life-changing assistance.


The people of Tigray are still recovering from the impacts of a two-year conflict, which has left 84 per cent of the region in a food crisis. WFP is resolutely committed to ensure life-saving food assistance reaches those most in need efficiently and effectively.

Tags: #humanitarian food, #Tigray, #WFP, #World Food Programme

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