Prof Charles Muleke displays samples of Aloe Secundiflora Herbal Extracts (ASHE) at the Safe Food Reference Laboratory (SAF-Lab) at Egerton University. Photo Credit: Egerton…
Scientists from National Crop Resources Research Institute at the harvesting cassava field meant for trial and analysis of research work carried out in the…
Scientists on a field trial site for the Vitamin A-rich banana variety. Photos Credit: Lominda AfedraruUgandan breakthrough in breeding Vitamin A-rich bananaBy Lominda Afedraru…
Participants taken through the process of setting up LAMP assay in the screenhouse for the detection of sweet potato viruses at KEPHIS Plant Quarantine…
Some of the beneficiaries of the Zambia Breweries Cassava and Sorgum projects pictures by Zambia Breweries. Photo Credit: Noel IyombwaWhy cassava is the next…
Green gold for a new agricultureBy Roger R.B. Leakey Download PDFAfrica’s agriculture is not delivering freedom from hunger, malnutrition or poverty and is associated…
IMG20220822125205Kenyan start-up’s solar insect trap revolutionising pest controlBy Murimi Gitari Download PDF[rt_dropcap_style dropcap_letter=”P” dropcap_content=”PESTICIDES are still widely used for pest management despite their harmful…