Prof Charles Muleke displays samples of Aloe Secundiflora Herbal Extracts (ASHE) at the Safe Food Reference Laboratory (SAF-Lab) at Egerton University. Photo Credit: Egerton…
Inside the state-of-the-art laboratory at the Pest Control Products Board (PCPB) headquarters in Loresho, Nairobi. Photo Credit: Zablon OyugiPublic lab seeks to fill pesticide…
Keep soil in good health with regenerative agricultureBy Ruth Anita Vaughan Download PDFREGENERATIVE agriculture (regen ag) is the new buzz in farming. Regen ag…
Soil testing platform, a gamechanger in maximizing bean yield for farmers. Photo Credit: PABRALab in hand: Instant soil testing app raises yields for bean…
Students from University of Sydney visit a wet market in Hanoi to understand consumer awareness about pork quality. Photo Credit: ILRI.AU, ILRI draft food…
Participants taken through the process of setting up LAMP assay in the screenhouse for the detection of sweet potato viruses at KEPHIS Plant Quarantine…
Livestock Farm in Uasin Gishu Insured by ACRE (1)ACRE Africa cultivating resilience through agricultural insuranceBy Murimi Gitari Download PDFWith smallholder farmers estimated to lose…
AI generated photoAI signals direct financing for farmersBy Prof Arun Tiwari Download PDFThe history of the modern world is a terrible account of military…
A group of people pose for a photo at the agribusiness firm Greenhouse Ventures. Photo Credit: Elias NgalameA green future for Cameroon’s agricultureBy Elias…