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13th Edition

Eight years down the line, that target is far from being met, with fertiliser use in most countries in sub-Saharan Africa still standing at below 25kg per hectare.


Setting the global gold standard for safer food

Dr. Kristian Moeller, the Managing Director of GLOBALG.A.P., recently spoke about the organization’s extensive work across 100+ countries in promoting the adoption of international certification standards.

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Climate risk on the table

There is definitely a future for a sustainable banana trade – but it means governments and businesses need to fast-track their support for smallholder farmers and agricultural workers now and focus on building and enhancing net-zero supply chains


Save The Date: GLOBALG.A.P. TOUR

The GLOBALG.A.P. TOUR is the perfect place to discover how to take your operations to the next level. Since 2009, our TOUR stops have reached thousands of participants across 44 countries on 6 continents.


10th Edition

The story of Beatrice Nyamwamu demonstrates the impact women in agriculture can make in senior public service roles. Ms Nyamwamu, who has been in public service for 25 years, is currently the director-general of Kenya’s crops sector regulator, the Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA), and previously headed its food crops directorate.