AI-generated imageNew biotech milestone as Kenyan court upholds lifting of GMOs banBy Murimi Gitari Download PDFIn a landmark decision, in November last year, Kenya’s…
KEPHIS staff use APP tool for BBTV surveillance. Photo Credit: Zablon OyugiPlant health inspectors equipped with IPPC tablets for pest surveillanceBy Zablon Oyugi Download…
AI-generated imageWill the agricultural renaissance come from Africa?By Prof Arun iwari Download PDFHistoriclly, the scientific renaissance was crucial in fostering innovation, critical thinking, and…
A staff showing how the Agrix Tech mobile app works. Photo Credit: Agrix TechMobile app offers crop disease diagnosis in local languagesBy Ngalame lias…
Dr. Katie Fiorella leads a discussion on disease reporting for cage farmers at Ogal Beach, Kisumu County, Kenya. Photo Credit: ILRIILRI, partners equip Lake…
African lady with smartphone . Photo crediyt: ShutterstockILRI project rolls out mobile app for tracking dairy productivityBy Murimi Gitari Download PDFThe International Livestock Research…
A CIAT researcher demonstrates how to add a photo to the tumaini app. Photo Credit: Zablon OyugiHow digital technologies are aiding early pest, disease…