
Manufacturers commit to safe chemicals management

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Senior Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Forestry – Rodney Omari. Photo Credit: KAM

By Murimi Gitari, July 5, 2023, The Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) in partnership with International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) has launched the Responsible Care Kenya Initiative.

The Responsible Care (RC) is a voluntary initiative for associations and industries who commit to safety, health, environment and security in handling chemicals through their life cycle.

Speaking during the launch, Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Climate Change, Senior Assistant Secretary, Rodney Omari noted that by adopting and appreciating Responsible Care, it will increase consumers’ confidence in Kenyan products, thus increasing global competitiveness and exports by expanding and creating new market for Kenyan Products.

“Government has enacted the Sustainable Waste Management Act 2022 which will transform Kenya from a linear to a circular economy. Subsequently, we shall enhance safety, promote efficiency, stimulate innovation, spur recycling and reduce waste,” Omari said

KAM Chief Executive Officer Anthony Mwangi said that member companies shall commit to open and transparent reporting as per the guiding principles on Responsible Care.

“The companies shall undergo voluntary facility audits to certify their performance, thereby giving them an opportunity to work with Government on best practices in Sound Chemical Management by encouraging self-regulation on health safety and environment matters. Additionally, the initiative shall support manufacturers in operational efficiency, enhance safety and strengthen credibility and liability protection. By participating, the industries shall accelerate the realization of Sustainable Development Goals. We are excited to be part of the initiative, especially because Kenya is the fourth country to implement it in Africa,” he explained.

Barry Dyer, ICCA Board Member observed that chemicals are an integral part of life.

“We use chemicals in agriculture, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and petroleum products, among others. Additionally, the chemical value chain creates productive jobs and wealth for many. Sustainable chemistry ensures that industries promote the value of safer chemicals along the production and value chain whilst reducing risks. To further promote sustainable chemical practices, it is critical that we enhance the safety of employees, consumers, among other stakeholders and the environment as well as strengthening human and infrastructural capacities for their effective engagement in chemical risk reduction. This is why we have partnered with KAM, on the Responsible Care.”

The initiative is guided by seven Responsible Care Codes, namely community awareness and emergency response; employee health and safety; product stewardship; process safety; pollution prevention; distribution; and security.

Tags: #Anthony Mwangi, #KAM, Barry Dyer, ICCA, Ministry of Environment Forestry and Climate Change, Responsible Care Initiative, Rodney Omari, Sustainable Waste Management Act

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