
Kenya’s Plant Health Inspectorate Service approves Solynta’s hybrid true potato seed varieties for commercial release

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Solynta harvest in Kenya. Photo Credit:

By Zablon Oyugi, July 31, 2024, The variety release committee of the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) has recently announced that three of Solynta’s hybrid true potato varieties have been approved for distribution in Kenya.

With these formal approvals, Solynta plans to expand the distribution of its seeds across Kenya to ensure that all members of the potato value chain can grow reliable, economical, delicious, and resilient potato varieties.

The hybrid potato varieties approved for release are SOLHY007, SOLHY012, and SOLHY015. These first commercially available varieties will be sold in the market as true seeds and seedlings grown from true seeds (via local partners).

They were developed in the Netherlands via non-GMO hybrid breeding technology, a new breeding platform invented by Solynta. One of the varieties contains multiple resistant genes to late blight, a well-known potato disease that causes great damage to growers’ yields.

Solynta will make these approved hybrid varieties available across Kenya soon, to help increase access to quality potato starting material ahead of the next growing season.

Limited access to sufficient clean starting material

One of Kenyan potato growers’ biggest challenges is having limited access to sufficient clean starting material to grow their crops. Solynta’s true potato seeds offer a solution to this demand, as they are disease-free, easy to store, and more economical for farmers to use. With just 25 grams of seed, they can plant the same area that otherwise requires 2,500 kilograms of tubers.

Solynta has spent years working with African farmers, distributors, and major processing companies to bring resilient, delicious, and reliable hybrid true potatoes to more people. Solynta has rigorously field-tested these hybrid varieties across the continent, including in Kenya, Egypt, Namibia, and South Africa.

“We are excited to welcome the latest and most innovative seed solution to Kenyan potato farmers. The innovative technology provides farmers solutions for many seed challenges, ensuring stability and growth. We remain dedicated to further supporting the entire potato value chain in Kenya and contributing to a more secure and prosperous future for the nation,” said Wachira Kaguongo, chief executive of the National Potato Council of Kenya.

“The due diligence of the National Potato Council of Kenya in evaluating Solynta’s varieties means that Kenyan potato growers can rest assured that hybrid potatoes and true potato seeds are a safe and reliable innovation for their farms, businesses, and customers. We look forward to helping potato growers explore how the hybrid true potato system can help them feed their communities, stabilize their crop yields, and help expand Kenya’s agricultural trade footprint,” said Peter Poortinga, CEO (chief executive officer) of Solynta.

According to Charles Miller, director of strategic alliances at Solynta, “Kenya has a forward-thinking approach to crop innovation. Regulators want to provide as many tools as possible to local growers. They have been intent on finding ways to increase their farmers’ access to quality seeds while also acting in the best interest of Kenyan farmers and consumers. We are excited to see that, as part of this mission, our hybrid true potato seed varieties have been approved for commercial use. We look forward to expanding our work here and helping grow potato production in Kenya with our seeds.”

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