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18th Edition

PEST and disease outbreaks are becoming more frequent and severe, as climate change and shifting weather conditions accelerate the proliferation and spread of vectors. Due to increased rainfall and rising temperatures, for instance, pests are spreading to non-traditional areas, posing a big threat to economically important crops such as coffee.


17th Edition

For a continent of its population size and challenges, Africa’s performance on the global research and development (R&D) stage is rather dismal.


16th Edition

AFRICAN countries are nowhere near meeting their commitments to allocate at least 10 percent of national budgets to agriculture. They have grappled with resource constraints amid pressure to fund social programmes such as health and education since they made those commitments under the auspices of the African Union in 2015.


15th Edition

The start of a new year is always a good time to reflect on the past and see how it will shape the present and the future.


14th Edition

The food crisis in Africa caused by the Covid-19 pandemic reminded the continent about the need to transform its food systems to enable it to feed itself.


13th Edition

Eight years down the line, that target is far from being met, with fertiliser use in most countries in sub-Saharan Africa still standing at below 25kg per hectare.


12th Edition

Food security policies in Africa have tended to prioritise the production or importation of the traditional energy-rich cereal staples such as maize, wheat, and rice. Unfortunately, such policies have overlooked the importance of balanced and healthy diets for households and communities and ended up creating a malnutrition crisis, also known as hidden hunger, on the continent.


11th Edition

Global supply chain disruptions related to the Russian-Ukraine war and prolonged drought and flooding in parts of the continent aggravated the crises of food shortages, high food prices and hunger that were triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021.


10th Edition

The story of Beatrice Nyamwamu demonstrates the impact women in agriculture can make in senior public service roles. Ms Nyamwamu, who has been in public service for 25 years, is currently the director-general of Kenya’s crops sector regulator, the Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA), and previously headed its food crops directorate.