Bridging East Africa’s rice production, consumption gaps
Michael Mwangi, an agronomist from Mwea rice growers multipurpose society, inspects a Komboka rice variety crop. Photo Credit: Marion WagakiBridging East Africa’s rice production,…
Yellow maize varieties are widely grown particularly in tropical lowlands of West and Central Africa
Many farmers often recycle sweet potato vines from one season to the next, causing a build-up of diseases and viruses, which in turn reduces the root yields.
It can also be mixed with millet flour, soybean flour and maize flour.
There are growing concerns in South Sudan about Ugandan maize imports in the wake of reports of high aflatoxin levels detected in the product.
Perceptions around the crops are changing, with middle class and upper class people no longer looking at them as food for the lowincome groups.
Researchers in West Africa have developed three sorghum and three pearl millet